Your insurer or broker should be the first to know. Many South African homeowners are investing in renovating their homes to increase its value. However, whether […]
One way to acquire property in South Africa is through acquisitive prescription. This method does not rely on the transfer of rights from a predecessor in […]
So you’ve been looking to buy your dream home, and you’ve seen something for sale that grabs your fancy. Now imagine yourself walking through the front […]
With the vast majority of homes being financed through the country’s biggest banks, the popular online debate around who owns a mortgaged home in South Africa […]
It often happens that a tenant, for whatever reason, refuses, neglects or is unable to pay rent and falls into arrears. A landlord, frustrated with the […]
In essence, the Latin phrase nec vi, nec clam, nec precario translates to “without force, without secrecy, and without permission”. According to the Prescription Act, a […]
If you are considering buying a property in a housing development, it’s essential to understand what a Homeowners Association (HOA) is and how it operates. HOAs […]
Residential homeowners must be aware of the judgment handed down by the Supreme Court of Appeal (SCA) in the case of the City of Johannesburg Metropolitan […]
Professor C.G. van der Merwe, the doyen of sectional titles in South Africa, sets out the reasons for introducing sectional ownership into a legal system. He […]
Ways to reduce your monthly home loan repayments and other costs. Cost-cutting is on many people’s minds, as prices rise, and affordability becomes stretched. While potential […]
The upfront investment is high, which you’ll want to recover when you sell. Stage 6 loadshedding is now firmly in effect, many South Africans are without […]
The simple definition of a contract is where an offer by one party is accepted by the other party. These parties are the contracting parties. There […]
Disputes between neighbours tend to ensue where an owner decides to build on or renovate their property and the neighbouring owner believes that such building works […]
Buying real estate is more than finding the right home or location for your business – owning property is an investment that holds more benefits than […]
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